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General information

For your information please find below some information about rehabilitation stays and how to make use of them.

According to Polish legislation, a rehabilitation stay is an organised form or rehabilitation combined with elements of rest, aimed at a general improvement of mental and physical condition of participants as well as developing their social skills, inter alia through making and developing social contacts, participation in activities connected with and development of their interests, and also participation in other activities provided for in a rehabilitation stay’s agenda. 

In Lwigród we organise mental/physical state improvement and recreation type of rehabilitation stays.

Rehabilitation stays may be attended by persons paying full amount for the stay as well as by individuals entitled to co-funding from:

  • PFRON /State Fund for Rehabilitation of Handicapped Persons/ (including PCPR /Poviat Centre for Family Support/, MOPS /Municipal Centre for Social Support/, and MOPR /Municipal Centre for Family Support/)
  • EFS (EU funds).

Co-funding of rehabilitation stays may be accessible to handicapped persons who hold a valid disability certificate or an equivalent certificate, as well as other handicapped persons aged under 16, or those aged under 24 who attend school or university and do not work.

By statute the duration of rehabilitation stays is at least 14 days. Such stays may be organised only in Poland in organised groups of not fewer than 20 participants, based at one venue or itinerant.

Priority in obtaining co-funding is given to those handicapped persons who hold a valid disability certificate indicating a high or a moderate degree of disability or an equivalent certificate, as well as handicapped persons aged under 16 or those aged under 24 who attend school or university and do not work – regardless of the degree of their disability.


In Lwigród we are skilled, equipped and entitled to provide treatment for persons with the following types of dysfunctions and conditions:

- Dysfunctions of the locomotor system, with the exclusion of persons in wheelchairs (up to 22 persons at a time)

- Dysfunctions of the locomotor system – persons in wheelchairs (up to 2 persons at a time)

- Dysfunctions of the auditory system

- Intellectual disability

- Mental disorders

- Epilepsy

- Cardiovascular diseases

- Women after mastectomy

- Allergy

- Endocrine system diseases

- Neurological diseases

- Rheumatic diseases

- Hematopoietic system diseases

- Genitourinary system diseases

- Digestive system diseases

- Diabetes

- Cerebral palsy

- Dermatological diseases

- Spine disorders

- Laryngological disorders

- Respiratory system disorders

- Scoliosis

- Chronic liver diseases

- Chronic pancreatitis

- Postural disorders

- Voice and speech disorders

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