Watching photos and postcards is a good way to delve into history, to get to know life in another time and place, to submerge into the atmosphere of bygone years. We are presenting you pictures which witness the past, and which we managed to gather so far. Should you have any other postcards, photos or letters regarding Lwigród, we would be happy to hear from you. Together we can enrich the picture of this tiny piece of Poland’s history – for ourselves and for the others. In the gallery below you can find pictures dating back to times ranging from 1928 until the present.
Years 1928-1945
Years 1945-1989
Years 1989 – until present time
Lwigród in letters and postcards
What were those before us like? Were they different, or did they think in a different way? History allows us to reflect upon our nature and to see that the setting changes with time and place, but people were and still are the same. To witness this you can see the writing on cards sent from Lwigród in the past, starting from 1928. It is worthwhile to pay attention to such details as descriptions, postcards, dates, etc.